The idea of Christian porn is an oxymoron. Since, you know, adultery/lustful thoughts/whatever are considered sins. Of course, sinning is a Christian thing, since all sins are forgiven if you believe. Well, depending on what sect a person is a part of, anyways.
I'm going to stop here, before I go in to my rant about how I have no problem with Christianity, and yet, have a rather large problem with the institution of the Church.
And don't get me started on religion. And how Atheism is a religion by means of being an anti-religion, something I find rather hilarious. Unless one is truly Atheistic, which is rather uncommon. Of course, Atheism is a hard thing to define, as there is really no defined set of philosophies and beliefs (or the rejection of them) that an atheist might follow. So yeah. I'm talking shit, and I shall continue to do so.
Personally, I'm Agnostic, and until someone proves to me that there is truth in the concept of a deity or proof that there is not one, I'm going to continue to easily get off-topic, and remain sitting on the fence.
I like sitting on the fence.
It's a nice fence.
Last edited by FrostFyre; Dec 23, 2011 at 02:03 AM.
Reason: Atheism. And also some stuff. ;D