Originally Posted by
hey ill do the editing - btw its dragoblade
i havea quick and easy method to recoloring so no worrys
also why dont each of use have a MARK somewhere on the set? like for example i would have a dragon.. .grayve could have a zombie if he wanted ect ect
tepawt has a tea pot xD
sorry for blowing up at you btw, just really wanted to be in our clan vid.
but i think this is an awesome Idea!, and how about this, if someone would recode the members list, we could have that symbol by each one of our names. :O may seem pointless but i think it would be pretty cool! oh yeah and for this set I want to use the head that Bojan gave meh
so I will be orc-ed out baby!!! Green ftw
so I might not use my jeans
and just reg black pant like everyone else, which is probably best if we want to be uniformed like a gang of real Pirates!!!
, so yeah new rule? :
Wear the whole piratez uniform correctly or dont wear it at all
lol Teapawt you should know about this because they tell us that all the time in scouts lol, at least over in texas they do. hmmmmm.