*Name (Actual):Masian
*Date of Birth:September 15, 1999
*Location: Canada british columbia
GMT: +/-7:00
Primary Language(s):Englisgh
Secondary Language(s):Tiny bit german don't know much yet
Belt:6th dan blackbelt
Alternate Accounts:None
Preferred Mods: Aikido , Aikido big dojo, Mushu , boxshu
Previous Clans: LazerHD, Edge, Jackazz
şBiography: skype: Goobyplez
Why You Want to Join: Not going to lie this clan is has some pretty cool guys that id love to know the only people i know more then everyone would be blade and Kozmonaut
What You Can Offer The Clan: well i do wars im on all the time so i can be active with that and help this clan to get better in all the up comming years.
Referred by: no one