Oh about the physics thing, physics isn't and never was precise. As of now, some physics laws are being proven as wrong. There is no such thing as exact precise physics out there.
Oh, this would be nice as a debate thing in the controversial thread.
ok i have a good idea. you the the video on Youtube how we do it in Poland where it is a bunch of polish players showing off? In case you haven't seen it here is the link www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAcn1i05qk4
There is also another video that sucks called how we do it in england. if you want to laugh your balls off you can watch it here is the link its a pretty pathetic video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li62c3ZiB1k I was thinking we should make a How we do it in the U.S video and make it better than both of them to show them how we Americans can play! we should ask other people from the U.S to help and it doesn't have to be from this clan. I thought this would be a good idea.
If someone hates you for no reason, give that motherfucker a reason!