Ownya Denied
I was willing to look past your alt usage but looking through your history I see to many red flags, also I found you lied about past clans. You were in extreme a couple months ago.
I was hoping you would disagree.
Passé le teste. I agree with your statement here. Some simple points of common sense, and the like. It was three years ago, I don't think that we have to be that hard on him, to the point where we have to deny him for something that he did three years ago. Considering that he's most definitely changed since then. Not to mention this whole "nigger" thing. The man is black, he's offended. It's not like he won't rage, and in fact, I would have expected him to. He could have been more controlled about the matter, but it was something to get a little upset over. Ragequitting once isn't that big of a deal, and considering that it was also three years ago, doesn't really mean that it should be a huge game-changer in the decision. Let's keep it going for a little longer, and see if he'll actually make it through. We'll keep it at a 0/3 for now from the personality pack. Is that alright?
hmm, well i would have several counters this time and would have voided teh BG check but impatient is what it is, too late now.
alright i love you kingpin but not everyone has the ability to not get into an all caps rage. Why you yourself went berserk when the entire clan voted to change ou power rankings. I could say the same thing "you could have simply gon on IRC or skype with one of the leaders and explained to them. Even if they didnt agree it's their clan and all final decision are up to them"
Everyone makes mistakes.
As for the alt he didnt think it counted as an alt. He made that account purely for that one post so i dont think he know to include it.
3 things.
One, he never said he was in Extreme. Doesn't necessarily mean he lied about it, because he didn't say anything. More that it was information left out. Not an equivalent, but it still isn't great.
Two, before I hit three, you may know racism, but it's not easy to completely understand something that you've never experienced directly towards you.
Three, just wanted to get that out of the way, dropping the matter, and going back to ontopic.
No one's mad at you or anything, just wanted to touch on that a little.