Originally Posted by Fivah View Post
I have to shave every day or I look like a gorilla.
I also shave my chest, DONT JUDGE ME.


بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by bigGrin View Post
Dude, you have a lot of facial hair for your age. When I was 16 I hardly could grow a moustache.

I grew a mustache when I was 12...

Originally Posted by Hero View Post
Back in october 1950.

Seriously, that's too much hair. Even for your own good. :<

>:o Actually, I was born in 1996 (;
It's no shave November ._.
Get over it.

Originally Posted by NearlyDead View Post
Zayex can't kid anyone, we all know its just peach fuzz.

Sigh... It's true... ;P

Originally Posted by Fivah View Post
I have to shave every day or I look like a gorilla.
I also shave my chest, DONT JUDGE ME.

I have never been more proud... :')
There are people like me out there!
I hate living in Texas -_-
Originally Posted by Gymbash View Post
Sigh... once again, little ol' gymbash needs to teach Zayex a thing or two.
Keep in mind that I just turned 16 back in October. :3

How to "Facial Hair"

And this one's for the lols :3

Beef Cake! :o

Facial hair isn't very prominant in my family :s

But leg hair is. God do I love my forest of leg hair.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
sometimes i get sad cause i cant grow cool facial hair like zayex so i cut my pubes and duct tape them to my face then my facial hair looks just like his

Mosier: tl;dr gay clothing thoughts
do you guys evn lift

i'll have you know that I incorporate jenkem into my daily workout routine, I deadlift 13 600lb reps thrice daily

have you evn seen my gains

pic related, it's my gains

my gains

Originally Posted by ZeToxiiK View Post
If you look closely you can see that it's photoshopped due to the rough line on the right tricep.

Nah bro that looks perfectly legitimate.
wow that
I just noticed how his left forearm isn't properly proportioned to his left pec.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by tertywerty View Post
do you guys evn lift

i'll have you know that I incorporate jenkem into my daily workout routine, I deadlift 13 600lb reps thrice daily

have you evn seen my gains

pic related, it's my gains

my gains

I'm scared

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.
Originally Posted by tertywerty View Post
do you guys evn lift

i'll have you know that I incorporate jenkem into my daily workout routine, I deadlift 13 600lb reps thrice daily

have you evn seen my gains

pic related, it's my gains

my gains

You're pretty buff.
Back for good.