Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: Should we Customize our tags?
Hell yeah why not?!?!
1 Votes / 11.11%
No, whait until we optimize the clan more.
8 Votes / 88.89%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

sooo... we're counting every touch as a pass?

My count was 7 by counting everytime the head transferred from one tori to the other, not a juggle where a tori passes it to himself (not even a pass really lol)

In other words, I was counting uke->mobi and mobi->uke, no uke->uke or mobi->mobi

But anyways its your event, I'll judge it by the rules you set out.
My shop
no are right dude..I was counting every touch.

Lets count "mobi-uke and uke-mobi"

From HERE---------------------
Best signature ever.
Sorry about that.
Anyway's if you guy's have Accepted the Event please use the link's on 1st post and complete the Applaction.
...................Unibash Teacher...................
Originally Posted by MOBI View Post
lol i thought this was wibbles D:

Every thread I post in is wibbles.

And I'm the only person allowed to do that wherever I want.

Its cause hampa is my uncles' father's nephew's cousin's former roomate, in a past life.

"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
Gigantic snowstorm
I'm lirteraly scarred shitless. I live on a property with alot of big trees and my cherry tree almost crushed our house. I mean I LOVE CHERRIES WTF WHY!!! Anyways I hope you guys are okay, I don't know if the snowstorm hit you guys I live in new York. Anyways I'm in grave danger I hope you guys are okay.
Rogue clown
Here in Slovenia the winter is almost gone and it looks more and more like summer.
Cant wait for parties and shit *puts on party hat*
About the cherry three, same thing happend to me, it was a hail storm or something I dont really know how to say it in english. Anyways after it stopped I went outside and I was like WHAAAAAAAAAAAT NOOOOOOOOOOOOO when i saw my cherry tree lying on the ground like a wounded solider.
Stop microwave at one second. Feel like a bomb defuzer.
holy shit that explains alot.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
scar must be from the corner of the eye(YOUR RIGHT EYE) and look a little like harry's potter scar.Realistic.