Meh sly beat me to it ;d But i'm gonna throw this in anyway.

Originally Posted by CTLrokkilr View Post
hey im hoping to be in ur clan cus im pretty good but my brother says i suck so i wanted to prov him wrong
i dont suck do i
oh and im yellow belt but i was a black belt till i got hacked

No. As in, rejected of course.

Originally Posted by kenta1 View Post
Hi im Kenta and I want to join because I like to do my moves without pressing C?
And I need some respect from other players I'm a blue belt and I love this clan.

We press C a lot ;o Also respect isn't gained by which clan you're generally in. In fact it's actually less beneficial to the clan you're in if you play like crap :v

Apart from my nay-saying and your misfortunes (lack of respect, getting hacked w/e), neither of you managed to give us the info we need, in a proper application. In a form, that is provided in the first post. The thread title is in f*cking caps. It should really, really go without saying. But worry not, if it's any comfort, then you're not the only ones to fail on this obviously perilous step ;d. Other then that, have good one.

edit: also sly is optimistic ;d
Last edited by k6vamees; Jan 31, 2013 at 11:49 AM.
But why's the rum gone? :v
Clan Application
Name : Brandyn Paul Proudfoot

Belt : 4th dan

Favorite mod : Running.tbm (modrank 4)

least favorite mod: Judo (FML)

What can i bring to Relaxall?: I can provide training, personel in battles, constant contact threw skype, and ofcourse, Skill.

Why do i want to join Relaxall?: ive seen players here and there ingame and ive been looking for a highly skilled group, as you guys are. Also i see your not afraid to be agressive ingame.

Replays: will we posted below. Note that last 1 i was eating, but i never gave up

Past clans: Yakuza (i believe one of ur allyd clans that was great back in the day, but dropped off and went dead) i was below the co owner rank(best man).
WCA my failed clan that i dont even wana talk about xD and Entity which died too quick, and was disrespectful ingame(that doesnt fly with me). Also Wind, which died...

Infractions/bans : None

Willing to follow rules and be respectful, etc. : Yes.

A video im in that includes 4 SP replays (((

NOTE: im not very good at replays, if ud like to see more action of me ingame, add me on skype and we'll fight sometime.
Skype : eregonv1
Attached Files
Denied Attack..rpl (122.5 KB, 9 views)
epicsaveftw.rpl (55.3 KB, 7 views)
The streding.rpl (68.8 KB, 6 views)
the unexpected attack.rpl (54.5 KB, 7 views)
thesavesss.rpl (58.4 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by eregonv1; Feb 4, 2013 at 11:35 PM. Reason: Note.
Life is like glass, It can be broken, but it is repairable, with care, and time. -eregonv1
Thanks for posting a proper app. They don't come by as often as they should. Anyway, please do post some wushu replays, since we're mainly focused on wushu. Find us in-game too so we see what you're about.
But why's the rum gone? :v
Hey I would like to join because I don't have any freinds and I heard relax all was a good clan and I heard you were good . I'm a very good player but I'm a white belt and my belt will not up grade for some strange reason.
Hey RA

I hate it had to come to this, with fl0w dying etc, but thats how life is =)

anyway, I'm making my app to you guys, since we are friends etc,

Thought I'm not pretty sure if you guys can keep me here, I've been inactive lately, due to work and uni, but I always play from time to time, and post from ages to ages, so is up to you guys.

we been around so long, I'm pretty sure you guys know how active I am =)

I hope this time I'm RA material xDD, I tried to find my old app, but couldn't find it xD

well I think that is pretty much it, I'd like to help you guys, the way I can... and I hope to see others fl0w members in here too =)


Rcarey here accepted, some guys in here have known you for years, so that whole getting to know you stage is long over with, and you're very good as you know. Welcome to the clan, mang. An invite will be sent as soon as k6 gets on.
Attached Files
sasvvvvzz.rpl (150.9 KB, 9 views)
xa14545.rpl (88.5 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by rcarey; Feb 9, 2013 at 09:19 PM.

ah, btw if i will be more or less free on the week ( unlikely ) i can set up fl0w organization structure which is clockwork and need just a tiny span of attention. you may be familiar with this if you were in teamwushu concil.
just reply yay or nay because you will run it anyway
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Thanks for the offer, snake, but we'll handle organization in the sloppy style RA has always used, though I'm sure it hurts your eyes not having those clean little spoilers ;P it works just as well when all is said and done.
what do you mean fl0w is dead?
i play with fl0w people every day

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Check it out for yourself. There were some issues which prevented the leaders from leading any longer, led to it's death.