Christmas Lottery
Haven't made one in a while
Should probably check some of my old ones in the other computer or something.
Either way, lots'a tests n' stuff.
+ me being lazy

Will start to make daily idling servers again, though.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
I suck at replay making, marketing art, textures ingame, and also in bed.
I suppose I'm good for nothing, BUT I'm playing God of War now and it's super awesome.
I hav a gurlfreind nao.
I'm the best, though.
I love you gais.
Originally Posted by koalaking View Post
yknow what..... i feel like watching some replays and showing off some of mine... anyone wanna oblige??

sure, once in a month i have the urge to make a replay(read it as "i'm bored as fuck")
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Hello NAOians, it's been a while.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Ohai, cozza. How are you? It's been a while, indeed.

Also, guys. I just wanted to say that we're being monitored from now on.
And our bank lost ~50k tc.
So, try to do your best and post totally consistent posts with a lot of meaning in them.
And mention a lot of in-game stuff. Make them think that we actually like this game...
That will be hard, I know... but still. Shouldn't be too hard, don't you think?

Now, let the hypocrisy begin!
Today kakajade and I hosted a little nao room. Was totally fun and I played as much as I could. Almost lured another unsuspecting guy in the basement of our van. Sadly enough, the drugs didn't work on him. Oh well...
Updated the recruitment thread aswell. Now, instead of writing a free form app people will have to write an essay about themselves. Isn't that awesome?

On an unrelated note, I discovered that my computer is slightly slower than it could be and that it has some viruses... and that firefox doesn't work anymore :c
Have to find a new browser now... May said to use chrome and that's why I'm not going to use it.
Any tips on what browser to use now?
I'm writing from my newly installed SeaMonkey. Seems kinda fun to use.
Oh, also, having tests. Lots of 'em. The usual.

Edit: Zyrax, stop making us believe that having a gf is a good thing. You won't deceive anyone!
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Sage View Post
also which GoW?


Arthur you really did it this time.
Thought that would never happen.

Hi cozza.