Joining UrbanUnit
Australian but living in Uzbekistan
Preferred Mods:
I moslty prefer Aikido because it has small turnframes so you can act and have more precice moves. Others that im good at are: Aikido Big Dojo and Judo.
Old Clans: none
Why do you want to join:
I wanted to join after seeing Swexx, Ern and the rest. You guys inspired me to become better at toribash. I wanted to join for being a better fighter. I would also love to chill out with my friends and just play around and have fun. There are other clans out there like RAWR. but Urban feels like a better place no matter how good the other clans are. UrbanUnit is a Dream Clan
What Kinds Of Skills:
I have quite good Technique and can turn the tide depending on what techniques people are using.
Other Qualities:
I am loyal friendly and calm. I never rage and cry after a low level belt has beat me or anything as dumb as that. I take real martial arts. I do Karate and Aikido. I also self taught gymnastics so i could use those to play Toribash.