View Poll Results: Change Name clan.
11 Votes / 37.93%
9 Votes / 31.03%
5 Votes / 17.24%
4 Votes / 13.79%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll
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hey hey mah facebook is

Engels Jimenez


Engels Jimenez Alvarez

there are one engels that appear in washintong he is mah dad then don't his facebook xD i have 2 face

My hotmail:

[email protected]
I am gonna kick all in aikido and aikidobd maybe judo taek and kickbox too there are my best mods =D guys i am getting op in all the servers maybe i can win it cuz i apply to the uniteam =D
yea jomoko and feehlype they are really good i think that they will work on it when they decide i will open a thread to just put video replays
lol im pretty gud at judo. so you may not beat me there lol you may beat me in akido bd. well willl just havee to see lol
oh ok .an do you think they would make a video for another clan when they get done with our video? they said they will pay