Belt: 2nd dan
Preferred mods: Aikido, Wushu, Mushu.
Old clans: Lmc, Nothar
Why you want to join?: Well.. Let's face it.. Urban is awesome. Their's amazing fighters, And i want to be in the revolution. And I've heard people from eVo saying things like "Urban can't stand a chance in a fight", when I know that you can.. You guys are my idles, And I want to join because, Well, I want to be awesome like you guys.
I can hold my balance, Withstand most combo attacks and counter quite easily, And sometimes Comeback if I get deflected.. I'm rarely offline so, I'm bairly inactive. I like to keep my opponents Nice and cooked. I'd never be seen disrespecting a fellow Urban and I'm a nice guy to be around.
Thanks for reading,
Yours sincerely,