Christmas Lottery
@crocap: he never really left. Xd! also, you need to be more active here bro.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
You guys, need to post in every thread. Like be active on the board more guys. Come on now.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
ok whats going on damnit id likt to get caught back up ojn everything that has beeg going on
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
Originally Posted by EmoTeal View Post
Aww, aids isn't fun...

Troop - what teams are we talkin about here?

See that post. ;3

Originally Posted by trooperox1 View Post
I've thinking about this, I think it is the best thing we can do.
Every member who wants to enter the clan must make an app, providing,
In-game abilities(they can show it by posting some Single player/Multiplayer replays), Posting a paragraph about themselves and anything they want to write in this paragraph to see how they can be expressed and also to see how their personality is, they can also tell us the skills they have, we need members who can contribute to the clan, not just being here because of a tag or just because ''they have some friends here''.

Also, we can make teams, like, one team works on in-game abilities, another one works on personality... etc etc.

I Personally, would like to do this, I don't know if you guys are in agreement with me.

Just make use of the threads on the board guys please.
@emo: I kinda know what he means
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
What I mean is, there will be some teams that will have to work on testing each applicant, so if they are approved in most of the tests they can be part of the clan.