Originally Posted by kameron View Post
i wont be around much for the forseeable future, my laptop had a shit attack and wont pick up wifi signals anymore, and I cbf to try and fix it.
And the forums on mobile devices is just awful. Makes me die a little inside each time I use it.

So yeah. I'll see if IRC works on my Vita, but if it doesnt, byebye for now, NAOfags

I check the forums mostly on my phone
What's so bad about it?

Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
I can make you one for free , why not ? I'm friendly so i do it for free .

Also fudg , you where so close but it's max 5 sec
here you go :

click on the link ,download and you have it .

having it 4.99 seconds is better because if it's 5.0000000000000001 seconds long, it doesn't work. this way you don't have to fiddle around with the length and/or speed.
alright guy
Originally Posted by Course View Post
r.i.p lnorti

quit nao

Why are we even supposed to know this?
Said person should've just posted notifying us.

Oh well.
<~Arthur> Moslims go around exploding people
I'm basically lurking from now on because I have started playing ORS (Oldschool RuneScape), and I'm really addicted.

Did kakajade join a new clan again?
<@Scorp> koor i love you
Originally Posted by Maylene View Post
Why are we even supposed to know this?
Said person should've just posted notifying us.

Oh well.

so i did a good?

i don't want you to be mad ;s
alright guy
Originally Posted by koor View Post
I'm basically lurking from now on because I have started playing ORS (Oldschool RuneScape), and I'm really addicted.

Did kakajade join a new clan again?

Yes i did , nice that somebody talks about me here .
I joined dominate because a good friend from suki made that guild with a other member .
Oh my.
People leaving.
Gotta contain all of the mad that's in me now.

Guess we have to become cool again or something(to attract the noobs ofc)?
Toribash is boring, though, so I don't think it'd be fun to be cool here.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Arthur View Post
Oh my.
People leaving.
Gotta contain all of the mad that's in me now.

Guess we have to become cool again or something(to attract the noobs ofc)?
Toribash is boring, though, so I don't think it'd be fun to be cool here.

Edit your treads with (invades are welcome) .
Believe me , it will work , it works in Suki and believe me , your friends will spam alot , ask Trocher3 .
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
Edit your treads with (invades are welcome) .
Believe me , it will work , it works in Suki and believe me , your friends will spam alot , ask Trocher3 .

i don't think you get the idea, it's not about spamming aaand i'm pretty sure arthur was mildly sarcastic.