Ayup, i'm on antacids on a daily basis as per doctors orders. It takes care of the acid refluxes, but it doesn't make the rest of my intestines feel any better. For the most part, it feels like there's a shitload of gas stuck in my system that refuses to move to my anus and get expelled. And then the occasional bouts of nausea, as my adventures to puketown last night can affirm to, but i think i can chalk that one up to obscene quantities of gas pressing on my stomach (i was so bloated that just lightly pushing my gut hurt). Fortunately, said gas mostly came out over the night.
Given that my symptoms have mostly relocated to my guts instead of stomach, i have reason to believe that there is also something up with my guts.
UNPLEASANTRIES BESIDE, i have played Shadow Warrior today, and i can safely say that it's a seriously entertaining gaem. It's silly, it's bloody, it's just flat out fun to chop through demons with a katana. You should totally get it, yo.