Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
Mass ling. Includes B-lings.

Now, i'm not talking about, Lets just all A move into battle. Im talking about splitting the groups, and using the banelings on the marines. And the lings on the tanks.

And, thats why you pressure the terran with the lings.

Let terran turtle and you lose. They can just out upgrade. Keep the numbers of them low, and the pressure high. And you win.

If the mass ling doesnt work. You have a load of gas to tech into Brood Lords, Infestors, Ultras.

So, I find, it works.

Usually to counter the blings I have the marines behind the siege tanks and let marines kill the rest.

Turtling is the worst thing to do, I played with a friend and he just expanded everywhere when I turtled, so I figured it's bad... :/
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Depends on the map. On Tal'Darim altar, you can pull it off, thats why protoss normaly Forge FE on that map. Then, when they have a big army, you break the plyon to get out. And attack. Since you are nice and safe, with 2 bases, you can just double forge and upgrade.

Same with terran, double bunker, get some tanks, and sorted. Safe as pie. Upgrade and kill.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

I have builds for each race..
Mass marine siege tank
Mostly the same thing but I bunker rush then go siege tank, force zerg to turtle then just take expansions until I win or he runs out of mins.
Mass mauraders and mass vikings
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
TvT, Ghost rush works quite well, if pulled off well. That snipe, 1 shots marines. 3-4 ghosts removes around 10-12 marines.

Also 1 shots Hellions(I think) which are used alot in TvT due to Blue flame dominating marines.
(Worth experimenting with)

TvZ seems fine, pretty much a solid play.

TvP, Mass maruders are ok.... If he stays gateway units, you are fine, if he goes into High Templar / Immortals, you'll need to swap tech fast.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Not really, most games I play a TON of tosses have terrible micro. I just stick to stutter stepping and other ways to stay alive, although I do sometimes that kind of protoss micro where almost dead stalkers blink back, I have medivacs in the back so mauraders can retreat and get healed, then rinse and repeat. Works every time
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Alright, so I done some stuff with TvT - Ghost Rushing

ghosts do 20 damage a shot vs lights and snipe 1 shots marines and scvs
2 rax ghost marine beats 4 rax in a straight up fight

So, it seems Ghost Rushing is pretty effective in a Terran vs Terran battle. If he goes medivac, you can also emp the energy away.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

What does emp do again? I wanted to use ghosts, but I don't know what emp was and it was too late for me to go into starcraft and look it up myself. :/
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
EMP Round (or EMP for short) is an offensive spell that is most particularly useful against Protoss. This ability drains 100 from the shields of Protoss units, drains up to 100 energy from spellcasters, and reveals cloaked units in the area of effect. Permanently cloaked units are revealed for 10 in-game seconds (or roughly 7 seconds when playing with Faster speed). Does not show burrowed units though.

Source :
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
TvT, Ghost rush works quite well, if pulled off well. That snipe, 1 shots marines. 3-4 ghosts removes around 10-12 marines.

Also 1 shots Hellions(I think) which are used alot in TvT due to Blue flame dominating marines.
(Worth experimenting with)

You know you can only snipe biological units? Please research first.
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Sorry, the hellion part, is at the light unit, damage upgrade they. My bad ^_^

So, they do 20 damage to hellions, with auto attacks.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech