Your Belt and QI:brown belt Qi 624
Ban/infraction history:non
Mod that you prefer to play:any
Non-fighting skills:
Self information
i am a hardcore player and great for the clan i will be active i live in the uk
i can do most moves and i am a quick easy learner and almost got black belt
i hope i can join your clan and probly see you soon and i have been invited by weeman01 and i do tae kwon do in real life im blackbelt ill post photo later
Your real name: jack mcclare nickname is jay
Your age*: 15
Your Belt and QI: brown going on black in like week arm QI i dont know lke 750
Ban/infraction history: i have bee baned 1 time before because i was hacked and went on the IRC and told admins there gay but that wasnt me i was tld by VOX i calld him gay
Your timezone: errm scotlands time zone
Mod that you prefer to play: super swords
Other abilities**: i am good on photoshop
Self information: ermmm i am on coputers alot aka to much