I have no problem with your clan at all, but every time I go to this thread I think the same exact thing:

Why is the font so obnoxiously large? That, and there are no real separators. With all due respect, I think you should.. Upgrade the OP.
Have you ever licked Nutella off of a penis?
I love you, MocroGunz.
Originally Posted by BillyRuben View Post
I have no problem with your clan at all, but every time I go to this thread I think the same exact thing:

Why is the font so obnoxiously large? That, and there are no real separators. With all due respect, I think you should.. Upgrade the OP.

Well, you guys called us noobs countless times and got mad for losing a war. I would be surprised if we won all our wars.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
Well, you guys called us noobs countless times and got mad for losing a war. I would be surprised if we won all our wars.

I never once called any of you noobs, nor was I angered by our loss. I said a total of two or three things throughout the entire fight.

-"Stop the bickering, guys."

That, and things about my shitty mouse. (I just got a new one, btw. :3)
Have you ever licked Nutella off of a penis?
I love you, MocroGunz.
Originally Posted by BillyRuben View Post
I never once called any of you noobs, nor was I angered by our loss. I said a total of two or three things throughout the entire fight.

-"Stop the bickering, guys."

That, and things about my shitty mouse. (I just got a new one, btw. :3)

I'm not talking directly to you, you were the polite one.
Slanesh Some of you were pissing me off.
oh yeah