Milk, do me a favor and only delete this if it gets offensive. I wanted to clear some things up.
I wasn't trying to be an ass with that post. When I wrote it at.. midnight yesterday, I was rather sleep deprived, and when I read it to myself, it didn't sound as rude as it does now that I reread it. I apologize. I wasn't really trying to be hypercritical.
Secondly, I feel that posts on a public forum such as this one can, should, and will be subject to public scrutiny. If I don't have to read posts of yours that I may or may not like, you don't have to read posts of mine that you may or may not like. (You did anyway.) This is a forum, and this is the internet. People are going to comment on things you say, whether you like it or not. I'm sure you know that. If something offends you, usually just letting it roll off your back is the best thing to do.
Regardless, I apologize for how my posts came across. Honestly, I wasn't sure what I was trying to say with them (except I do remember I was just trying to give you a hard time with the grammar thing, not negatively comment on your grasp of the English language), but it certainly wasn't supposed to be insult.