Hi , im strikas , my real name is Panu and im from Finland . Im 12 and half years old , active on in-game , irc and on forums . I like be in clans , i like help others , i want to talk , tell jokes , clan stuff , you know . I was on 3 clans , Shadow , Aeon , Guardians . I got couple infractions* , but nothing seriosly . You can contact me with skype , im panu.teraes. My application is little akward and my grammar is bad . Im collecting Full Stamps . I hope you accept me , Thanks .
belt: 2 dan
rank: 789
real name: Panu Teraes (Teräs on Finland)
tori name: strikas
qi: 2273
Favorite clan: This , thats why im joining
Last edited by strikas; Mar 27, 2012 at 01:54 PM.