Secret Santa 2024
there ae four guys on a boat with four cigarettes, but they have no fire or lighter at all.What do they do? They throw one cigarette overboard and the whole boat becomes a cigarette lighter.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
nbody appreciates my puns
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Originally Posted by jclark View Post
there ae four guys on a boat with four cigarettes, but they have no fire or lighter at all.What do they do? They throw one cigarette overboard and the whole boat becomes a cigarette lighter.

♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
That made me gag.
I was able to hold in my laughter until he squashed the chicken nugget at the end. xD
'°o[Ethr♥][My Music][B.A.W.S.]o°'