Originally Posted by hepimen View Post
I'm pretty sure they will stick to the book plot in this case. It's going to be really important "lategame'"

I only believe in the metagame, thanks.
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Hello, how are you guys doing?
I feel kinda sad for the guy that had to act as Jeffrey. People must hate him a lot..
They hated the character, not the actor himself. Now, since the "character" is dead, everyone is saying how they loved to hate him and how a great actor he is
Originally Posted by Toolfree View Post
Any0ne else have InFamous Second Son? Or a PS4 at all?

Nah, PC all the way for me :P

I would probably get InFamous if I had a PS4 though :/
Originally Posted by IceWariorZ View Post
Nah, PC all the way for me :P

I would probably get InFamous if I had a PS4 though :/

My parents don't fully grasp the concept of a gaming PC, so I am stuck on console. Not that bad though, the exclusives are nice.
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Originally Posted by Toolfree View Post
My parents don't fully grasp the concept of a gaming PC, so I am stuck on console. Not that bad though, the exclusives are nice.

It may not be that they don't grasp the concept, it's more likely that they don't feel like dropping $1000 for the thing.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I still play retro games on my sisters' NES whenever I get bored.

(My two sisters were born in the early '70s. I followed suit 20+ years later, during the late '90s. They got an NES as a Christmas gift when they were kids. They were about to throw it away when I all of a sudden came into existence, which meant that I'd inherit it.)
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
It may not be that they don't grasp the concept, it's more likely that they don't feel like dropping $1000 for the thing.

Nah, I'd be willing to drop my own money on one, and I'd be satisfied with one in the 400$ range (I can live with low settings), but my parents just say "Ours works, doesn't it?"
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