Christmas Lottery
love it ^^
i think i buy a wii only for this xD
My Fan Club|†Custom Belt†|†Proud Piratez Overseer and Chest Keeper†| Click or Die|
Do What You Want Cuz A Pirate Is Free. You Are A Pirate!!
the controls dont seem to be a problem, easier than a pc if i do say so

if a DS version comes out I will srsly do something so amazing i will get on international news
I type as I speak, with several commas and run on sentences, dont be hatin'.
Would be nice with development status updates, just
so we have something to look forward to.
As is, we don't know much.
Is it near complete, halfway or 20%?
1, 2, 6 months or a year?
It's been a while since we heard about
the Wii version.