Yeah it's the same pissy parrot. Doesn't really like to fly around, rather climbs up shit with his feet and beak, in addition to "bat-hanging" over door frames, threatening to bite those who wants to pass.
My uncle told me he just one day came out of the jungle, and at that time was even more aggressive. Then he bit a little girl really hard, like cut of a little chunk of her arm.
There's a part of the culture that names tell family relations. Like my name is Shane (not the Irish name), which is the uncle/nephew of Siã (my uncle), the son/father of Isamema/Muru/Iskubu/Isaka/..., the other-clan cousin of Bane/Maya/Busẽ/... etc...
Every oldest son/daughter shares name with thery father's father/mother's mother (in addition to people from other family's, cousins from the same clan... gets a bit complicated).
Anyway it's also a custom in the culture to defend everyone that shares the same name as you (whom you call brother/sister or "namesharer" when you speak). If anyone hurts them, you avenge them harder, anyone disrespects them, you defend them, no matter what they did. I can't really explain where the customs come from, but it's defending your names honour in a way.
When this little girl got bit (which was already a few years after The Red King had moved to the village and was known as a biting bastard), her mother's mother was present and promptly avenged her namesharer by taking a pan, and beating the shit out of the bird.
The Red king passed out for 10-15 minutes, and woke calmer than ever. He is still a dick, but only 1/10th of what he used to be like, or at least that's what my uncle tells me. I think The Red King got slightly permanently retarded that day, but he is still really sneaky and smarter than any other bird around. Either that or he actually learned his lesson, cause now he only bites those who fuck around with him.
Which is 100% literally only me.
Last edited by liaxo; Jun 4, 2015 at 11:55 AM.