well i am the same, this clan is now goin way downhill and a massive disadvantage in our chance to be official but i still do believe it can become official so i will be leaving after a few weeks if we don't climb back up that damn hill!!.
Calm down guys. Fezch is 2nd leader nao. EVERYONE has to treat him like leader. Respect, and help. He will keep order here, when Im asleep.
If he is out- MetroX and Baku will keep order and peace.
We will get official, believe in that. We still have a leader. I guess I have to do my best.
Playaj is trying to solve this, I guess, but we cant be sure that he will get un-banned. But that's not end of the world. You can still think about a competition, and have fun. And wish Jay the best in getting un-banned.
Fezch is leader now.
Ok, we are on the road. But if Playaj hasn't sent the TC, then we won't.
Assuming Playaj HAS sent the money we just have to keep organized and on top of things.
kordiss, i think we are talking to ourselves :P
I am defending playaj I'm saying that we should wait a little we should stay loyal to him its not fair he did everything to this clan when he gets perma banned you all want to move on . that pretty much it