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I wouldn't say Eve is the weakest character in the game and she is DEFINITELY one of the better ones in dominion. Dominion point of view is coming from about 8 "top tier" champions, eve being one of them because of her mobility and stealth, providing pretty solid caps.
I would disagree, people have too much emphasis on mobility in rating a champions usefulness in dominion. While it's nice, her overall survivability is too low to really be effective, as you can't cap while invis. Any decent defense will already have a champion near enough to any of the 3 points a team will normally have defending, and that champion will easily be capable of raping that eve.
What's really good in dominion, at least imo, is low cd, aoe with high survivability for defense, and either good survivability + dps or survivability + mobility or dps + mobility. Anything listed second has lower emphasis than the first criteria. Eve's survivability isn't high enough to constitute either of the first 3, and her dps is negligable compared to other champs. Invis doesn't buy her any brownie points in my perspective.