fat0ninja, Boonana, Hippybob, well that's basicly easy when you are vs a newbie tryndamere.
If it's me, 3 vs 1 cant kill me in lvl 1, usually I get fb and run away with it.
Even with the exhausts and ignites.
I'm a farming beast. If any normal person farms up to 150 minions in a long game of 3 vs 3, I farm up almost up to 400.
I can say that there is only 1 way to stop a professional tryndamere.
A smart Rammus that has 99 def in lvl 1, that goes top vs tryn.
Damn, even with having +25 armor penetration, you crit him 70-80.
If he uses ignite on you and hits you like a maniac - autodeath, cause he makes the same damage you deal to him with your crits + he harrases you like shit.
Oh, and I forgot to say that thornmail is nothing for a good tryndamere. He just buys a bloodthirster.
Most likely he'll have like 4 BTs with infinity+phantom dancer.
Esspecially if he gets all of those items in like a 40 minute game.
Like damn, my farming record with tryndamere was 984 minions in 75 minutes.
Last edited by Lexx; Oct 1, 2011 at 11:47 PM.