Welcome back, wannin.
Ooh, an interesting topic indeed
The way I see it, social networking can have great benefits, but it can also create great problems. As with most things, when used by stupid people(sadly the larger part of the human species) it loses it's entire meaning and it's downright depressing to watch the freakshow.
I'll be using Facebook as an example, since it is one I use and I'm most familiar with it. A few years ago I created my first account there and I used it until sometime last summer. Some time after I created it one of my close friends fucked up her privacy settings, which allowed people I hated to confront me through her about some things I had said. It gave cowards an easy way to annoy me(using a person they knew I couldn't be harsh to), since I'm a relatively serious person and I take any sort of deliberate attack on me really seriously(even if it's by people so stupid they shouldn't have the right to live). I didn't want to resort to cowardly tactics(such as blackmailing them and/or ruining their pathetic reputation forever), so I left them a way to confront me in real life if they ever wished to. Basically I didn't want to engage in an internet-drama type BS, so I deleted it(not deactivated - deleted) my account to avoid that. My "hated ones" never contacted my in real life. Big surprise. Anyways, getting sidetracked here. I created another account a few months after deleting my old one, since I still needed to keep in touch with some friends and I needed an easy way to keep track of things that interested me. Mostly for information gathering, though.
I never use my real name or any information that could be used to easily track me(except maybe my worldview
), unlike most of the people I know. I use it the way I think it was meant to be used - I add only people which I actually know and I only share content which I though could be interesting/amusing to my friends*.
*(With the old account - things like what I was doing, how I was evolving(so to speak) and interesting content I had found or created. Not sure what stage I was going through at one point, but I started posting a lot of pictures(which is hard to believe and downright illogical, given my loner tendencies) and I pretty much used the site as an archive of my activities. Wasn't looking for any popularity(I prefer to be behind the scenes), but it gave me a better understanding of social dynamics, at least within my circles of friends.)
I must admit that it is really helpful if you want to keep being informed on what your friends are doing when there is distance separating you. It's great for sharing content(personal pictures,videos, projects) with your friends(without sending links individually to all of them) and it's great for information gathering, which is what I use it for. However, any privacy you have there is an illusion at best. About what it offers other than the things I mentioned - most applications and games on it are pure bullshit, but I have used a handful of apps that were amusing and/or useful in the past. That's about it.
About the bad parts ... where to start. People start to delude themselves that being connected to people online is the same as being connected to people in real life. There is no way you can know 3000 people well in real life. You simply don't have the time and memory to do it. People start turning into attention whores and engage in a "likes" contest. Some foolish naive people think they can help someone just by sitting behind a desk and clicking the "like" button - same thing with chainmail, which is now chain-stupid-fucking-retarded-supposed-to-make-you-cry-or-weep-posts. People don't keep their private life private, which results in broken friendships, relationships, partnerships, etc. A social network can give you great insight on what sorts of things a person is interested in and an idea of his character and traits. It also provides an easy way for many people to witness every retarded thing a person does, if he decides to share it(or if someone decides to share it for him/her). If a person doesn't watch their privacy settings(or if their friends don't), it's entirely possible that some people will see things which were not meant for them. One should not simply put his/her personal life on the internet.
My opinion on social networks is that they can be used to achieve a variety of worthy goals, but once stupid people infest them, everything gets screwed. If they somehow found a way to keep stupid people and profiteers off them, they would be awesome. But most things would be awesome if these conditions applied.
tl;dr: Get the stupid people out and they're good.
Last edited by lordtiger; Apr 18, 2012 at 04:39 AM.
Reason: Thanks, 2pro, now people will think this makes sense >_>