Christmas Lottery
I got an injection for diphtheria and Diabetes. One for each. Hurt like a bitch. The aftermath of that was two sore arms that I couldn't move above 90 degrees. And a dizzy, spazzing head.
Oh look, Snook has a hat!

Desperately trying to get back into TB...

Sounds like it sucked lol hope you're better \o/.
Two elites in hospital in such a short time span who's next??

Also yep for that event thingy .
Well It doesn't cost anything to join a team lol, in fact if your team wins you get the ITEM for your tori (e.g green hat item for your tori to wear, pink shades for tori to wear etc...)

l0l I've spent nothing on hats it's all FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE