I suck 'cause I'm inactive when I should be active.

Dates for play sessions... if you have one, just drop it here.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Originally Posted by itsbruce View Post
hacks, not sure if you're saying that was me, or you...

It was too you.

Originally Posted by Fuze View Post
Why xbox and not pc?

I have it for PC too, but always tempted to console command the fuck out of it, and it takes away the fact of actually playing legit.
So I have it for both, PC is just to fuck around and learn how to do things.
Xbox is to use it in actually playing
hi hayz
Last edited by Hacks; Jun 25, 2013 at 04:27 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Errrr, so i had to scrub my HD recently, if anyone has any of my old replays could you upload them please. Im particularly after that one with the awesome opener that NotNoob helped me out with.