ok i have also been playing with him i played aikido wushu3 and bigdojoaikido.
we played more then 3 of each and he was a good opponent here are the replays that i saved may i also say that there was like 3 epic replays that i was unable to save but here are the 9 i could save 3 for each mod we played...i would say hes good for ingame but ingame crew must discuss and if they wish test him them selfs.He also has decent movement there are times where he holds alot though but mostly relaxed.
Also have to say i got a epic kick on him in one of the wushu replays gave him like 200k damage in the kick also scrwed basicly his entire back
1-3=Aikido. 4-6=Wushu3. 7-9=BigdojoAikido.
Last edited by Gamer4200; Oct 14, 2011 at 11:17 PM.