Poems are cool but some chicks find it dorky, also 8 seconds WHILE TALKING XD And Just try the other stuff XD And using the tools are how u get the door open and once your in the house be yourself and quit your job
Jk about the job part XDDD Nothing to lose with the tools so use as much of em' as you can and try saying her name at the start, what is her name anyway? Also if I lived near you I'd challenge you that I could get a date with her first, also yeah listening to her feelings so she cries on you is a good call ;)
Change for date request and first date then boom headshot XD Er, I mean back to being yourself
You don't need to sleep with her if you don't want but if she makes the move don't you dare reject her no matter how nervous you are. P.S. I excel at human behavioral science so don't let me down ;) AND DON'T FORGET TO TELL ME HOW IT WENT AFTERWARDS!!! You can exclude the sex part if you want especially deets cuz those could be private or TMI here but you could PM it if u want :3
Last edited by Merc; Jun 4, 2015 at 02:27 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump