@culapou: make a game outta that and become a millionaire
. Srsly tho, a "windtunnel physics" game where you could create any shape of airplane you wanted would be cool. Actually some great player could find a design that could be implemented in real life because it works so well
Anyhow, on the actual topic.
I've never had a proper lucid dream. I've had dreams where I notice I'm dreaming but don't care, just carry on "watching" it like a movie. Usually I wake up often though. Also sometimes I can get back into a dream that I woke up from (say, on a holiday and mum asks if I wanna come to the mall cuz it's 12 o'clock and they're going) too fast. That's probably closest to a lucid dream that I've ever come, because I will myself to get that dream back, and often it's different, because I've sort of "created" it to mimic the original.
I also have a question. Any of you more experienced lucid dreamers could prolly answer it. Does extending lucid dreams by spinning in the dream, rubbing your hands together, shouting "I'm not gonna wake up", and that sort, "override" outside distractions? What I mean is, will an alarm clock wake me if I'm having a lucid and don't want to stop? Probably, but I wanna be sure
... good to know if I intend to even wish to have lucid dreams during working weekdays.