We flock here as motorists do to the scene of a bloody accident...
Or as journalists do to that of some brutal eye-rape
BTW, I wouldn't post my name on here, SamuraiKing.
Maybe my first name, but not my last....
Ya know, rape alert :o
But for a good animation to be drawn by hand, it would take a lot longer than 45 minutes for it to be epic.
I can't even make a decent head and render it in 45 minutes :P Think about it, when it's merged, that's just ONE layer.
Usually takes me 3-4 hours.
So a 256x256 animation would take me a few months...
Compared to that, spending 5 hours on an animation isn't too bad anymore, is it?
Well, for 45 minutes its not bad, but it's sucky too.
Quality over quantity.
Like if you spent 90 minutes to make double the frames, it would be smooth.
Quality x2, see?
Then if you too another 90 minutes to make each frame more detailed, epicness x 2
All these 2/10's would be 8/10's there!
As for the 10 minute avatar of dry humping, that is also simpler frames I think.
(and smaller)
Hand drawing each frame is a pain, so it would take a lot for a good animation.
I think the one in your avy is better, which I'm assuming you made.
A tip for later, is if you drew it in layers, so you could control each part by itself, without having to redraw it.
I'm not any animator, outside of spinnies, but it seems like a more logical step.