ToriBash Username:spenzerr
Belt:green belt? im too busy playing lol
Age 19
Education / Qualification:high school grad
Occupation(if you are still a student leave this blank):heating and air warehouse job
Your Hobbies:dirt biking pool hoes partyying
Your Goals:be successful at a job i love and be happy
Your Goals in ToriBash: to learn to use 20 joints (hope thats right) on a
seemingly simple body to do
amazing things i don't do vids but i would like to just be good and
do the things i see others do htat blow my mind haha
About Yourself : well i live with my mom and i have been playing games since i was about 9
my first start was a old atari then a ps1 mortal kombat was the only game me and
my step brother would play, i then got a n64 and i still have the original rush that came with it probably more than
7 years ago. and i still play it but its not the same console and its still fun as all heck
then came the xbox and my first time being competitive on counter strike and halo is still my fav over all the sequels
i also had a ps2 and metal gear solid and socom are still being used haha
but lets skip to but when my 360 broke when i was about to play bad company i got my hp
pavillon notebook entertainment pc and started to play games like, combat arms
warrock and all that but it was all the same stuff. i still play true combat elite
urban terror cube 2 and then a couple weeks ago i looked at this
review for urban terror on youtube then it said my review of toribash
and yah now im playing
Why You Joined ToriBash: woops well read above but toribash interests me because of the endless possibilites you can
achieve with such a simple concept 20 joints that do 4 basic movements or actions
Why You Like To Post On The Forums: i jsut did it to say hi and im bored haha ill be looking through tutorials and what not whatevber looks interesting
see yah out there!
Last edited by spenzerr; Jul 29, 2009 at 10:54 AM.
Reason: cause i can son