August Tourney, 30k prize*
5 places left until this thing can spread it's wings and fly.
So I want to host a tournament next month.
Nothing huge.
But not miniscule either.
There'll be a 2500TC entry fee.**
I hope to sign up 15 people.
This may or may not happen, entirely dependant on how many people are interested.
For now I want to get a list of names of people who'd be interested in participating.
How to apply
Reply in this thread with
[1] I WANT TO PARTICIPATE (or something along those lines)
[2] Your name (only necessary if different from forum name. This is unlikely.)
[3] Statement that you have now,
and will have at the time of the tournament, the 2500TC entry fee.**
[4] Your vote on the tournament gametype, Aikido, Judo or Wushu. (Both, Neither, Not bothered, etc, are not answers. Your application will be ignored until you vote on the gametype.)
If all goes to plan, and enough interest is shown,
The tournament will take place some time next month (August 2009), probably
on one day within the first two weeks.
If a RIDICULOUSLY LARGE interest is shown in this by the toribash community, I may consider increasing the number of places in the tournament from 15, to 30, and increasing the prize from 30k, to 60k.
Tournament will be held in the format of the attached image.
Players will be assigned their number at random.
*30k will be awarded to the last person standing, assuming 15 players have chosen to participate and sent in their 2500TC entry fee.
DO NOT send me your entry fee at this time.
Send it later. Once everyone has signed up. And I give the all clear. 'kay?
a) Lredguard (voted Judo)
b)Sampandora (voted Judo)
c)EvorX (voted Judo)
e)co-ldr[DaF]tooth69 (voted judo)
f)BirdFlu (voted kickbox?)
g)Hexer (voted judo)
h)Huger (voted judo)
i)XLight(anotherX?) (voted wushu)
j)Gov_Cheese (voted sambo, basically Aikido)
Last edited by Resetting; Jul 31, 2009 at 03:30 PM.
Reason: Edited nametable.