Original Post
[Promo-Team] ▬ August's Military Mission: Part 3 - The Final Takedown▬

You think you are tough enough to be one of us maggot?

Think again!

You're at your prime in your career as a part of this organisation. You've proven yourself worthy. It is time to get you ready for the final showdown.
You have your target, now destroy him.

The Concept:
Create a video of you thrashing your target. We want to see those mortifying and brutal attacks with overlayed and dazzling effects.

The Regulations:
Max 1 entry per person.
Your piece must be accompanied by a title.
Blatantly stealing other participants concepts will result in an immediate disqualification.
Your video must be at least 1 minute and 30 seconds long.
You may do anything to your video that encompasses the aforementioned storyline.
- You have been recruited to the organisation.
- You have passed the fitness test.
- You have passed your first field run.
- It is now time to take down your target.

Be creative!

The Evaluation:
- All videos will be judged by myself, Playaj and 2Bash.

Judging Criteria
*/10 for style
*/10 for creativity
*/10 for originality
*/10 for overall piece

This event is for everyone to participate, whether you are very familiar with video competitions or you are inexperienced.

The Incentive:
100,000 Toricredits for the participant in first place.
60,000 Toricredits for the participant in second place.
Last edited by Ezeth; Jul 31, 2009 at 07:57 PM.
I'm currently working on this. To be honest, it probably won't be ready until near the end of the month. I want to make sure it's top quality.
I got an awesome idea, but I can't finish it until over a few weeks, is that possible?
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Oh, okay, I'll be able to make it before August 31st
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
here im working on a better one (help from others)


plz tell me what you think

(deleted old entrie!)

(this tie uke is remembering when he was captured and all his battles)
Last edited by sampandora; Aug 3, 2009 at 03:40 AM.
<Insert Cucumer here>
Its good, but its a little short in military But awesome replays. I dont have sound at the moment so i can't rate the music.
Well, I just found out that I can't do this because every recorder I use is a piece of shit that lags too badly (even the 30 seconds I could record with Fraps). I also somehow deleted my Toribash folder and had to reinstall it, losing all my replays.