Beautiful work splinter I absolutly love your madmans they are flawless beyond reason.
I literly cant find a thing wrong with any of the the madmans.

I think your spinning and splittcapping could use a tad bit work on rotation I notcied how you dont try to go faster in some parts when your in the air it's like there is an off and on button on you one second your spinning wildly the next your have no momentum.

but I still am in love <3

- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby
Definitely looked rushed. The messiness and grabhits shows this. But this is still above average stuff. The glute throw and boomhit was awesome.
I like the spins you do after all the destruction. Lack of pose though. I usually just go straight into a pose after my final hit. I'll try doing some fancy stuff before I pose in my next replay.
Nice stuff ther dude
I didint really like those two first hits Ј-Ј but the last two kicks was damn smexy
A core FROM TEH SIDE? That's pretty tricky to pull off, nice job.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
This is seriously one of my best replays to date. Enjoy.

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