Well, this is it folks, all the keyframes are set, all the eyeballs dried from staring at a monitor editing, all the entries are in. Now comes the time when you all get the chance to decide which video will become the official moving representation of the organization for us old folks who like women and other such stuff. Thanks in advance for helping us chose and for all the positive comments you all gave in the other threads. Not to mention being cool to all us old heads in general on the forums and in game. You guys rock!
Voting Guidelines. You will only be given one vote, so make it count. Pick the video YOU like best, and don't vote simply because you want to see someone else lose, we all spent a lot of time on these, please keep that in mind.
After you vote, feel free to post anything you like related to the comp. Any and all flames will be quickly doused, so don't post anything stupid about ANY of the entries.
Prize Update. In the last thread I mentioned that there would be a second and third prize added to the mix, and there has been. Here is the current loot up for grabs.
1st Place. A 100k TCs pack, including whatever promotional items are included at the time of award reception. This video will be given its own thread on OLDAs board, and will be our official video.
2nd place. A 28k TCs pack*, again with promotions. Also quicksilver blood^.
3rd place. A 10k TCs pack* with promotions, plus a random item from my shop.
*28 and 10k TCs packs provided by Nabi ^Quicksilver blood provided by bdo
Contest duration: As of yet there is no set date that this thread will close. I don't see it taking too long to get all the votes in, but you never know. Also the prize is dependent on me getting off my as* and getting a debit card :P so no date is set in stone, but I would expect it to all be settled within two weeks.
O.k. I think that handles all of the formality stuff, onward to the voting. The contestants will have their video (with an HD DL link when available) posted below with their name ABOVE their entry. The videos will be posted in the order in which they appear in the original thread, and do to all the youtube code the entries may spill over into a second post.
flat titles
no replay sync
many no transitions
looks like a regular video with OLDA intro pasted on
okay camera
a few sync (all being screen shake)
intro/outro paste
olda appropriate song, imo
okay camera
no intro/outro?
sync, consistant mostly with replay change
good camera
intro/outro paste
good intro
not much micro sync, but over all it works, except with the song
good camera
lol, ska
title/words are flat and pasted on top
mostly sync
good intro, etc
words pasty, but style forces that somewhat
not much sync, but good where it is
okay camera
mostly good transition
bad transitions
camera doesn't move
old song, i guess thats appropriate. 1986? Were you even born then? And you listened to this music then?
"video will become the official moving representation of the organization for us old folks who like women and other such stuff" <-- I choose what I think will be fitting
Now that your votes have been reset (people who voted Moop), go vote for Rutz, Deady or the other guys. We need a 3rd place, remember! And it'd be good if it had a substantial number of votes.