I apologize for my use of the word "pathetic" in my previous post. I in no way meant this in a description of Omega clan, but rather the less than kosher activity of some of the members. Either way, reading back through it, I see it was a poor choice of words, so sorry guys.
It's a lot of work to do 'background checks' of all of your members. A simpler way to deal with this may be a "no tolerance" policy. ie, before a new user becomes an Omega, you explain to them that if they break the rules, they're done. No if, ands, or buts about it. You act with honor and integrity, or you're out.
It may mean kicking skilled players, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices in one area to advance in another. Just a thought.
I know Omega clan has great potential, as I can see from your resolve to correct things. Keep it up, and you will go far.