<Splinter> we can get going then
<Splinter> Everyone be quiet
<Splinter> Once upon a time, about 10000 BC
<Splinter> There was a humble caveman family
<Splinter> They were happy and unaware that a great evil was lurking in the land
<Splinter> A horrible creature simply called
<Splinter> lady gaga
<Splinter> She would stomp around cavemanland and destroy everything
<Splinter> One of the cavemen called tonakai decided that this has to stop
<Splinter> And he built a massive weapon
<Splinter> But it turned out he had actually built a time machine
<Splinter> Which took him to the year 2012
<Splinter> Where lady gag had taken over the radio
<Splinter> gaga*
<Splinter> He was shocked by the fact that people had such horrible taste
<Splinter> So he went to the radio station to ask why they play this
<Splinter> turns out lady gaga kills anyone who doesn't play her music on the radio
<Splinter> He had to put a stop to this
<Splinter> Tonakai though up the most brilliant plan his caveman brain could come up with
<Splinter> he decided to throw poo at her
<Splinter> So he went to gagaland
<Splinter> Where she was stomping around on an innocent panda
<Splinter> He threw his own poo
<Splinter> right on her left testicle
<Splinter> Or is it his?
<Splinter> who knows
<Splinter> But anyway, it happened to be it's weak point
<Splinter> THE END
Yeah yeah short as fuck I know