I'd be a beastmaster.
For the very same reason as Tonakai.
That being said, if i was to be a beastmaster irl... that would be the worst possible job class ever. Cleaning animal poop is bad enough, but I'd guess cleaning up mystical animal poop would require so much +3 plastic baggies of Dispel.
Battle cleric would be great though. I can both kill and heal. I like being "complementary polar". And as a bonus, if I turn out to be lawful-greedy, i can assume two different identities: one for the cleric and one for the combatant.
I'd get paid to damage a target as a warrior and heal the SAME guy as a different person for a price.
I'm pretty much sure eternal damnation as a thief and liar would be rendered moot if we lived in an RPG world