Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by EverBlade2 View Post
I already have a replay where spilt uke and chased him for a decap! But it's on the other computer... Where should I put it?

Put it here somewhere, we might use it as an example or something. Unfortunately that isn't a valid entry to the Challenges tho' since the replays have to be new.

Also, ofc the challenges and the tournament (if you get a ticket) are open to Blood members.

E2: Seems like you can use that rpl on the challenges anyway. But lets be shh about that?
E3: Oh well, lessee anyway, we have a lot of details to decide.
Last edited by Hopea; Nov 11, 2009 at 10:52 PM.
Clan Blood Leader
Originally Posted by Hopea View Post
Put it here somewhere, we might use it as an example or something. Unfortunately that isn't a valid entry to the Challenges tho' since the replays have to be new.

Imho that's a better idea, explanations might get wussy and we don't want much whining, right? :p
Inventing more challenges.

7. From ed -1000, decap Uke.
8. Use dismembered bodyparts of yours to dismember Uke.
9. DQ Uke without dismembering him.
10. Make a sparring replay.
12. Jump up and fall down on Uke, dismembering him.
13. With TwinSwords4.tbm, first disarm Uke, then decap him.
Last edited by Tonakai; Nov 13, 2009 at 06:57 PM.
1. Splitdecap

What to do: Split Uke so that the upper half will fly in the air, then chase him and decap him.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.
- Do not move Uke.

Tips: Style required.

2. The road to fame is comedy

What to do: Make a funny replay.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- New replays only.

Tips: Hmm, what might be funny...?

3. Hand walking

What to do: Walk to Uke on your hands.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Do not move Uke.
- Engage distance 1000
- Gravity 0 0 -30

Tips: If you only had arms to walk on... Oh wait

4. Free running

What to do: Beat freerunmp1.tbm course.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- You have to get to the green area.

Tips: Damn, Uke looks lonely there...

5. Free running... Again.

What to do: Beat freerunmp3.tbm.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- You must get to the yellow platform after the red platform.

Tips: Damn, Uke looks lonely...

6. The Power of Chuck Norris

What to do: Dismember Uke with a roundhouse kick.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.
- Do not move Uke.
- Only two hits meant for damage is allowed after the roundhouse kick.
- If you are about to do a combo, the roundhouse kick has to be first.

Tips: What the hell does roundhouse kick look like!?[/QUOTE] Continuations and variations are allowed, btw.

7. Unexpected

What to do: Decap Uke from ed -1000.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.
- Do not move Uke.
- Engage distance -1000

Tips: Straight jump is lame. How about adding something spicy?

8. Ima zombie

What to do: Use your own dismembered bodyparts to dismember Uke.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.
- Do not move Uke.

Tips: Balance is cool.
Last edited by Tonakai; Nov 15, 2009 at 06:28 PM.
9. Wrestling

What to do: Disqualify Uke without dismembering him.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.
- Do not move Uke.
- Disqualification on
- Dismemberment on, dismemberthreshold 100

Tips: Like realism? I bet YouTube is full of wrestle-down tutorials.

10. Sparring to the Heaven

What to do: Spar with Uke.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.

Tips: What?



- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.
- Do not move Uke.


12. Is it a bird? Is it a PLANE!? No, it i--

What to do: Jump up and fall down on Uke, dismembering him.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.
- Do not move Uke.

Tips: I suppose it would be smart to fall down damaging part first...

13. Gentle fencing

What to do: With Fencing.tbm, first disarm Uke, then decap him.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.
- Do not move Uke.
- Mod has to be Fencing.tbm

Tips: Dismembering everything is baaaaad.

14. C-c-c-c-c-combo breaker

What to do: Make a multikick.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.
- Do not move Uke.

Tips: Balance, realism, the more the merrier.

15. Dance

What to do: Dance!

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.

Tips: Dancing =/= jumping around senselessly.

16. Skeetshotting

What to do: Decap Uke and throw your own or Uke's bodypart(s) on the it.

- Do not edit others' replays.
- Do not hack replays.
- New replays only.
- Gravity has to either be 0 0 -9.82 or 0 0 -30.
- Do not move Uke.
- Only the skeetshots what hit Uke's head in the air are counted.

Tips: For more than two skeetshots, maybe you shouldn't take your hands off first.

Everything's ready, huh?
Also, when the Blood Tournament will start, if you are not available for doing referee job or if you just don't feel like doing it, just post here.
In case there'll be a few of those who don't want to do it or can't do it, then I'll attempt to get some volunteers.

I know, this is a pretty big step as a first contest of ours, but eh, I have done this before and I think that everything will be fine :o

EDIT: It has started...
Last edited by Tonakai; Nov 15, 2009 at 08:00 PM.
There's some very fun challenges and also some very hard, like #3 Hand Walking wtf!?!
Already tried some of them and got pretty good roundhouse kick too imo, too bad it's not on this weeks challenges, I'll post it to replay thread soon with some others.