Secret Santa 2024
omg how many times do i have to say. NO! GTFO UNTIL YOU ARE AT LEAST BLUE BELT!!! im tired of this! SHOOT ME PLEASE!!!

... freaked out there, but no no non on no!! you cannot join until you are blue belt. Suck it up and just be patient...

Guys we need to be more strict on our guide lines. Until they are blue belt or above, they can just be patient. I dont care how good they are, they neede to be blue belt!!! We need to enforce the rules or be shuned longer.
[Hunters] Look down retard... [Hunters]
You try to get away, yet you only make it quicker.
Very true Wolverine my friend
I have pm'ed wiirus now telling him to fix application

Screen name will have "AIM or Yahoo Instant Messaging name" in ()'s
And Belt will have "Minimum of BLUE" in ()'s
well hes good for his rank soo not yet but come back when ur blue
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
thank you ray. omg im going to die. We need to stick with our guide lines or we will still be shammed into secrecy and our clan will die!
[Hunters] Look down retard... [Hunters]
You try to get away, yet you only make it quicker.
LOL!?!?!!??! OMFG you guys Who cares what belt he is if he is soo fucking skilled and the guy is really REALLY (Wolv sry but he will fucking kick your ass ingame.... ).... We are loosing REALLY skilled player here.... sigh do as you wish I'm just a member >.< (I don't think that Lord gona be pleased to see that you said "no" to sooo skilled player....) I really hope that he gona try again when his blue but i doubt it afre posts like wolf - "omg how many times do i have to say. NO! GTFO"
Proud member of [Hunters]
Mess with the best (Hunters that is), die like the rest!
I'm getting displeased with this.
@xXWolverineWepXx , I know we had problems with lower belts trying to join us.BUT that is no reason to flame dudes wanting to join.You say GTFO to one more guy trying to join,and there's gonna be trouble.
The other guys that voted no,ok,I respect your opinions ... Below are the reasons why.

@Load , you are indeed a very skilled player.I'm guessing you spent most of the time playing "free play" , and that's why you are still only green belt.I'm sure you can become blue or brown in a matter of hours if you try .
Also,the post count.I for one don't care so much about that,as long as every post you ever made makes sense(tragically,few people are capable of doing that ...but you are one of them).
So,these are the only 2 things stopping you from getting approval from most members.Please work on them(won't take long xD) , and you will be in(even now you have a strong YES from me).
Oh yeah,and please don't mind wolve's sometimes rude posts ... we had a lot of problems with extremely low belts (with skills oceans away from yours) spamming our want to join thread , and we were not particularly happy with it.It's good that you're not one of them.
I'm looking forward to your new application when you have all the requirements
Last edited by lordtiger; Nov 13, 2009 at 11:48 AM.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
It is a definite YES! from me

Just that he should raise to blue belt (which he can do in a matter of seconds)
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
i appreciate all of the votes from you guys! and Wolv, sry `bout this, but i hate rude guys.... :S
OK. I will come back as sonn as i will be blue, but if this helps, i have a blue belt tori named legendapii... just i hated to play with that, because I spent all of my TC to low lvl stuffs, and i started form the beginning...
the post will be quick game, the blue belt upgrade for me will be a bit more longer! :P
Lordtiger: I say tigers are wise animals. And you are really just as a tiger! It`s really great for this clan to have a wise leader as you are! ;)
sooo.... If you guys think, that I`m finally ready to join, with 10 post (this is the 10th! :P), and with BLue belt (i aqquired 1 min ago :P), then i will be a very proud that i can wear the name of the Hunters clan!
cool i can test u right now
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.