U wan't?
I PM u tommorow with your Pov-Ray
Look this:
1. DL Povray http://www.povray.org/download/
2. DL this pov-ray file: http://www.box.net/shared/df18hgqca4 (Alternate Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?umynzkzmzn2 )
3. Save it in a separate folder and open the file
4. If not already there, paste this code into the command box:
"-w100 -h100 initial_frame=0 final_frame=240" To the left, make sure that Anti-Aliasing is turned on.
5. Save your head in the folder as head.tga without rle compression
6. Render
7. wait for it to render (tick, tock)
8. Open GIMP
9. In File, select Open As Layers, and select all the rendered frames using the shift key
10. Save it as an animation in .gif with indexed colors
11. Set interval ms to 70
12. Save, upload (Photobucket or imageshack), post
i would like one to i pay 150TC , make it black with a lil bit blue please.
Can you make me one? I'll send you the 100tc.
Edit: For your records...
You've sent 100 toricredits to CPWepage
He is doing for 100 TC and I am for Free.
High Quality.
Just PM me for 1