This might be my only chance to ask this and I'm porbably gonna get murdered for it but here goes...
What makes Halo as good as so many people make it out to be?
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Now I know what most of you will be thinking right about now, "WTF HEES A STUPID PS3/WII FANBOY BURN IN HELL U FUKIN N00B!!!!!!!!!!!"
I'm gonna get it out of the way right now that I own a PS2 and plan on buying a PS3, "why?" you ask, I like the PS2 and so far I'm looking forward to what the PS3 has coming up. It's the next logical decision. I'd also like to say that I am probably one of the least biased people you will ever talk to when it comes to video games, I like all of the systems and I think that being mindlessly loyal to one company is just plain stupid. I do, however think that the Halo series is comepletely overrated, from what I've seen, and I have played all three Halos so don't think I'm making assumptions, I don't see what separates Halo from every other generic FPS on the market, don't get me wrong, there's nothing I love more than blowing stuff up and shooting people/aliens/robots/whatever in the face, but when Halo came out all I saw were ok graphics, a total shit story that somehow didn't get boring at all throughout three games, and gameplay that I've been seeing on every other FPS out there both online and in single player.
And for the people that will inevitably want to try to convert me to an Xbox fanboy or Halo fanatic I offer you a challenge: Prove me wrong. Prove to me that Halo did something amazing for video games that it deserves the hype and show me that the Xbox is the dominant system. And don't bother saying "CUZ THEYRE AWSUM LOLOL!!!!!!11one" It's gonna take more than that.
So there it is. All that I ask. Enlighten me and don't forget the hate mail.