Originally Posted by iamrubbish View Post

Originally Posted by Shiakri View Post
Is that a sexual metaphor? :S

"I've seen enough rule number 34 to burn down a large catholic school" - Bish
so eeehhh not to kill the fun and all but is anyone gona write a story besides me and alpha
(that said he is gona write one when he has time?)

have fun ^^
And as allways,
have fun
Everyone gather around the fire, the story's going to start.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a little girl called "Freya Steel". This girl was nothing special, just a little girl going through the world. She had a group of friends, who called her "Frey". She had many strange little talents, like being able to peel a banana with her feet, and being able to tap dance very well without any formal training. She was also gifted with an amazing artistic talent, and she spent much of her time doodling on any piece of paper that happened to pass her way. As she grew older, she developed a following of around a score (twenty, for all you uneducated heathens) of people, all with some strange little talents of their own.
Eventually, Freya Steel passed away, and as the years passed, her following became better known as "FreySteel", until eventually it became an international sect, called Fr3styL.
The end!
Just a quick note: this is how I see our clan: not one of the most skilled, maybe, but having lots of little talents. Love Y'all <3
^ Aaaaaawww, so touching. However it's silly coz the founder is a chick in this story and we all know that only an epic guy (Like....Alpha) could've started Fr3styL
Fr3styL It's a way of life