Original Post
[RuKeepers] Daily Tourneys

Have you became bored without daily tourneys? Dont worry - they are back!


Since today, during 1 month 30 daily tourneys will be hosted. TeamBot will inform you about tourney's start.
Tourneys will have different mods.

Server name - rktourney.


Have fun on tourneys, but without:
- spamming
- coloring
- trading
- clan talking
- idiocy

Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.


1 place -
2 place -

Hosters list:


This list may be changed.

After hosting of each tourney, information about them will be posted in this thread. Also winners' names will be written in the first post.

date     | mod             | Pls | 1st Prize | 2nd Prize | Winner     | Second Place | Hoster
09.01.10 | aikido          | 32  | -         | 4000      | Nirs       | Vodka        | Stazis
10.01.10 | aikidobigdojo   | 25  | 5000      | 4000      | Ticux      | lambada      | Nirs
10.01.10 | wushufixed      | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Rafufu     | ricky54321   | npoctocawa 
11.01.10 | judofrac        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | DarkSamurai| Palevo       | IIoqpurucT
11.01.10 | lenshu3         | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | DarkSamurai| rekaiB       | Stazis
12.01.10 | taekkyon        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Drakula1   | Alloder      | Ash
13.01.10 | ninjitsu        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | kingpin    | teddi87      | Stazis
14.01.10 | no-mma          | 27  | 5000      | 2000      | Franco2207 | Vovan        | Nirs
15.01.10 | aikidobigdojo   | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | TIcux      | Stiktori     | IIoqpurucT
16.01.10 | kickbox         | 32  | 10000     | 5000      | KillKick   | DeFransen    | Stazis
16.01.10 | greykido        | 22  | 7000      | 3000      | TaH4IK     | hepukt4e     | lambada
17.01.10 | aikido          | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Panacea    | lambada      | Stazis
18.01.10 | no-mma          | 24  | 5000      | 2000      | Xilitor    | Ckytoh       | Nirs
19.01.10 | aikido          | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | imapirate  | jaker        | Stazis
19.01.10 | betaboxfixed    | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | Krucio     | Sebaa        | TIcux
20.01.10 | Stabjutsu       | 20  | 10000     | 5000      | Meza       | Krucio       | TIcux
20.01.10 | Aikidobigdojo   | 32  | 10000     | 5000      | MC         | NikosEfs     | TIcux
20.01.10 | Judofrac        | 23  | 7000      | 3000      | Jaqon      | JKook        | PbI6A4OK
21.01.10 | lenshu3         | 21  | 5000      | 2000      | blackshark | Scracky      | Nirs
21.01.10 | Wushufixed      | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | Sayvor     | Sylar95      | TIcux
22.01.10 | aikidobd        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | wutanglee  | biaker       | Stazis
23.01.10 | romanwrestling  | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | Stiktori   | Meza         | TIcux
23.01.10 | aikidobd        | 25  | -         | 2000      | --         | FER123       | Nirs
24.01.10 | deltaboxfixed   | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | norf       | Stazis       | TIcux
25.01.10 | random          | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | samopal    | norf         | Stazis
26.01.10 | no-mma          | 18  | 5000      | 4000      | blackshark | jaqon        | Nirs
27.01.10 | aikidobigdojo   | 23  | 5000      | 2000      | crazzzy9   | andthefish   | Nirs
28.01.10 | lenshu3         | 32  | 7000      | 3000      | Huszti     | Ash          | Stazis
30.01.10 | wushufixed      | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | ling6      | arrtr        | IIoqpurucT
30.01.10 | timefight2      | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | ---        | arrtr        | TIcux
31.01.10 | greykido        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | killer3366 | noobish123   | npoctocawa
date     | mod             | Pls | 1st Prize | 2nd Prize | Winner     | Second Place | Hoster
01.02.10 | aikidobigdojo   | 32  | 20000     | 10000     | Firen      | Vovan        | Stazis
02.02.10 | kickbox         | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Savaja     | Dave         | Stazis
03.02.10 | ninjutsu        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | CAH9I      | GhsotJTJ     | Stazis
06.02.10 | wushufixed      | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | AkumaBeast | Chogarel     | Stazis
07.02.10 | no-mma          | 25  | 5000      | 2000      | Thathurt   | BlackShark   | Nirs 
08.02.10 | judofrac        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Ticux      | DudeDen      | Stazis
08.02.10 | judo            | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Ticux      | Fer123       | Stazis
09.02.10 | kickbox         | 32  | 10000     | 5000      | Norf       | Octane       | TIcux
09.02.10 | taekkyon        | 25  | ---       | 5000      | ---        | Norf         | TIcux
10.02.10 | lenshu3         | 32  | 10000     | ---       | Norf       | ---          | TIcux
11.02.10 | taekkyon        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | stiktori   | saintdogg    | Gladasspam
14.02.10 | rk-mma          | 21  | --        | 2000      | ---        | Shlapo       | Nirs
15.02.10 | rk-mma          | 21  | 5000      | ---       | Octane     | ---          | Nirs
16.02.10 | rk-mma          | 21  | 10000     | 2000      | Ticux      | Powas        | Nirs
17.02.10 | wushufixed      | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Sorriso    | Tengoman     | Stazis
17.02.10 | ninjutsu        | 32  | 7000      | 3000      | J0onas189  | BJJWannabe   | Gladasspam
19.02.10 | kickbox         | 32  | 7000      | 3000      | Ajww13     | AkumaBeast   | Gladasspam
19.02.10 | judofrac        | 32  | 7000      | 3000      | dargoba    | WooLong      | Gladasspam 
20.02.10 | wushufixed      | 32  | 7000      | 3000      | marci5     | Ansu         | Gladasspam
20.02.10 | ninjustsu       | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Firen      | Romanovsky   | Stazis
20.02.10 | rk-mma          | 23  | 10000     | 2000      | DJ         | Powas        | Nirs
21.02.10 | Taekkyon        | 30  | ---       | 3000      | ---        | drigoo       | Gladasspam 
21.02.10 | Lenshu3         | 32  | 7000      | 3000      | Faint      | 40757        | Gladasspam
24.02.10 | aikidobigdojo   | 32  | 10000     | 5000      | Chogarel   | twinswordz   | Gladasspam
24.02.10 | Taekkyon        | 30  | 7000      | 3000      | dragongt   | AppleSuace   | Gladasspam

Last edited by Stazis; Feb 25, 2010 at 10:14 PM. Reason: one more tourney added
date     | mod             | Pls | 1st Prize | 2nd Prize | Winner     | Second Place | Hoster
09.01.09 | aikido          | 32  | -         | 4000      | Nirs       | Vodka        | Stazis
10.01.09 | aikidobigdojo   | 25  | 5000      | 4000      | Ticux      | lambada      | Nirs
10.01.10 | wushufixed      | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Rafufu     | ricky54321   | npoctocawa 
11.01.10 | judofrac        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | DarkSamurai| Palevo       | IIoqpurucT
11.01.10 | lenshu3         | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | DarkSamurai| rekaiB       | Stazis
12.01.10 | taekkyon        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Drakula1   | Alloder      | Ash
13.01.10 | ninjitsu        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | kingpin    | teddi87      | Stazis
14.01.10 | no-mma          | 27  | 5000      | 2000      | Franco2207 | Vovan        | Nirs
15.01.10 | aikidobigdojo   | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | TIcux      | Stiktori     | IIoqpurucT
16.01.10 | kickbox         | 32  | 10000     | 5000      | KillKick   | DeFransen    | Stazis
16.01.10 | greykido        | 22  | 7000      | 3000      | TaH4IK     | hepukt4e     | lambada
17.01.10 | aikido          | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Panacea    | lambada      | Stazis
18.01.10 | no-mma          | 24  | 5000      | 2000      | Xilitor    | Ckytoh       | Nirs
date     | mod             | Pls | 1st Prize | 2nd Prize | Winner     | Second Place | Hoster
09.01.09 | aikido          | 32  | -         | 4000      | Nirs       | Vodka        | Stazis
10.01.09 | aikidobigdojo   | 25  | 5000      | 4000      | Ticux      | lambada      | Nirs
10.01.10 | wushufixed      | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Rafufu     | ricky54321   | npoctocawa 
11.01.10 | judofrac        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | DarkSamurai| Palevo       | IIoqpurucT
11.01.10 | lenshu3         | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | DarkSamurai| rekaiB       | Stazis
12.01.10 | taekkyon        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Drakula1   | Alloder      | Ash
13.01.10 | ninjitsu        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | kingpin    | teddi87      | Stazis
14.01.10 | no-mma          | 27  | 5000      | 2000      | Franco2207 | Vovan        | Nirs
15.01.10 | aikidobigdojo   | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | TIcux      | Stiktori     | IIoqpurucT
16.01.10 | kickbox         | 32  | 10000     | 5000      | KillKick   | DeFransen    | Stazis
16.01.10 | greykido        | 22  | 7000      | 3000      | TaH4IK     | hepukt4e     | lambada
17.01.10 | aikido          | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Panacea    | lambada      | Stazis
18.01.10 | no-mma          | 24  | 5000      | 2000      | Xilitor    | Ckytoh       | Nirs
19.01.10 | aikido          | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | imapirate  | jaker        | Stazis
Okay, TIcux told me to post this here...
Just came 2nd on RkTourney, hosted by Stazis and TIcux.
Last edited by Sebaa; Jan 19, 2010 at 10:30 PM.
date     | mod             | Pls | 1st Prize | 2nd Prize | Winner     | Second Place | Hoster
19.01.10 | betaboxfixed    | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | Krucio     | Sebaa        | TIcux
20.01.10 | Stabjutsu       | 20  | 10000     | 5000      | Meza       | Krucio       | TIcux
Originally Posted by Sebaa View Post
Okay, TIcux told me to post this here...
Just came 2nd on RkTourney, hosted by Stazis and TIcux.

I said what if my internet connection down i will make post tomorrow. You ask me about where this thread. But I have not told that you must post here ;P
Last edited by TIcux; Jan 20, 2010 at 12:59 PM.
09.01.09 ; 10.01.09 ; 19.01.09 - Fix it! We mistakes with date.
And add Stabjutsu tourney in first post.
Originally Posted by TIcux View Post
09.01.09 ; 10.01.09 ; 19.01.09 - Fix it! We mistakes with date.
And add Stabjutsu tourney in first post.

oh, i see

date     | mod             | Pls | 1st Prize | 2nd Prize | Winner     | Second Place | Hoster
20.01.10 | Aikidobigdojo   | 32  | 10000     | 5000      | MC         | NikosEfs     | TIcux
date     | mod             | Pls | 1st Prize | 2nd Prize | Winner     | Second Place | Hoster
20.01.10 | Judofrac        | 23  | 7000      | 3000      | Jaqon      | JKook        | PbI6A4OK
Aliens | ORMO
date     | mod             | Pls | 1st Prize | 2nd Prize | Winner     | Second Place | Hoster
09.01.10 | aikido          | 32  | -         | 4000      | Nirs       | Vodka        | Stazis
10.01.10 | aikidobigdojo   | 25  | 5000      | 4000      | Ticux      | lambada      | Nirs
10.01.10 | wushufixed      | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Rafufu     | ricky54321   | npoctocawa 
11.01.10 | judofrac        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | DarkSamurai| Palevo       | IIoqpurucT
11.01.10 | lenshu3         | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | DarkSamurai| rekaiB       | Stazis
12.01.10 | taekkyon        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Drakula1   | Alloder      | Ash
13.01.10 | ninjitsu        | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | kingpin    | teddi87      | Stazis
14.01.10 | no-mma          | 27  | 5000      | 2000      | Franco2207 | Vovan        | Nirs
15.01.10 | aikidobigdojo   | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | TIcux      | Stiktori     | IIoqpurucT
16.01.10 | kickbox         | 32  | 10000     | 5000      | KillKick   | DeFransen    | Stazis
16.01.10 | greykido        | 22  | 7000      | 3000      | TaH4IK     | hepukt4e     | lambada
17.01.10 | aikido          | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | Panacea    | lambada      | Stazis
18.01.10 | no-mma          | 24  | 5000      | 2000      | Xilitor    | Ckytoh       | Nirs
19.01.10 | aikido          | 25  | 7000      | 3000      | imapirate  | jaker        | Stazis
19.01.10 | betaboxfixed    | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | Krucio     | Sebaa        | TIcux
20.01.10 | Stabjutsu       | 20  | 10000     | 5000      | Meza       | Krucio       | TIcux
20.01.10 | Aikidobigdojo   | 32  | 10000     | 5000      | MC         | NikosEfs     | TIcux
20.01.10 | Judofrac        | 23  | 7000      | 3000      | Jaqon      | JKook        | PbI6A4OK
21.01.10 | lenshu3         | 21  | 5000      | 2000      | blackshark | Scracky      | Nirs
date     | mod             | Pls | 1st Prize | 2nd Prize | Winner     | Second Place | Hoster
21.01.10 | Wushufixed      | 25  | 10000     | 5000      | Sayvor     | Sylar95      | TIcux
Last edited by TIcux; Jan 24, 2010 at 06:14 PM.