Original Post
Do not post here... I have nothing now.
I have nothing to give out!
Last edited by Patrick_Unrated; Nov 22, 2007 at 12:29 AM.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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Originally Posted by SlasHDaFiveNine View Post
Than u dont need to donate...its for those who WANT to help newbies remember ?!?!?! Gosh u all go on on how nooobs are stupid , noobs are unwanted and shit , like they are retarded....but if u treat em otherwise it may not be this way , have u thought about it ??!
Cut off this crap , u were noobs too if u dont remember i do ... and i was a noob too ... hell we all were at some point ... would u want the same attitude if u were a noob ?
Actually u are the noobs for behaving this way ... i admitt ive been an ass to ALOT of noobs for getting on my nerves...but looking at this thread i realised that im wrong...we are all wrong...
Everybody say that the decision of 3.0 being free led to a massive noob attacks...soo...would u prefer a closed circle of 1000 or 2000 ppl , plus most of us differ from the time zones which makes it impossible to play with certain players.....GET REAL haterz....and cut the crap

PS: Long offtopic , but this seems to be the most important subject after the release of 3.0 ....
Next thing i buy , i will donate it to some newbie ...what about you?!

◂◂◂Wow, this rant does have a relative point to it =O (I hardly ever see one that does). I have to agree with /da59 on this one, you were noobs at one point in time, wether it be in this game or another, you neede to accept the fact that you wanted free stuff as well when you started out. Hell, I always want free stuff =/. Just because you have played longer, and were registered before this new wave of people, and earned many points because you played alot during that period does not give you the right to act all high and mighty. The fact is that games will always have and need noobs, because w/o them, the game would slowly fade into the void that is the interweb.

◂◂◂Sure, 3.0 is free and that will actract a large crowd of people, cause guess what IT'S FREE! The people that truely want to play will stay and maybe become valued and respected members of the game's community, like you have. Maybe people did the things that you are doing to others, don't make this a habit, it's just annoying and stupid. I mean really, you're hating on people JUST because they just joined the community and are looking for a welcome, and free stuff (like I said before, who doesn't want free stuff =/), and all you give is "OMFG n00b! stfu and get your own stuff and gtfo!". There is no reason for this, and I don't see why people do this either. Give people a warm welcome to the community and game, and if you don't want to give them stuff, be more mature about it please =/.

P.S. I see "elf" joints, torso, and blood in SP, but not in the torishop, explanation?
Last edited by KeitaroCoS; Nov 1, 2007 at 02:40 AM.
Originally Posted by Kai-Tiger View Post
there was 1 set that was sold and it went to spritecat and he took it to his banned grave

why don't they make more sets, I mean really, only one set made, stupid -.-"
>.> >.< <.< TT.TT (smily attack I guess =/)
Originally Posted by Relys View Post
I could still use something.. Anything... Please?

Maybe Pat can give you the marine relax that he got from whoever (doesn't feel like going to check), that would be sweet =P -.^
Originally Posted by KeitaroCoS View Post
why don't they make more sets, I mean really, only one set made, stupid -.-"
>.> >.< <.< TT.TT (smily attack I guess =/)

There are more than one set...Veb has a set....Isha has a set....Hampa probally has some stashed in his pants somewhere....
so there's like a total of 6 sets AT MAX? damn, I really want the elf set/joints/w/e peice I can get :P. Till then, time to play and kinda own people sometimes :P
ive got a bunch of joints i dont use in my bank, but i earned them all and plan to keep them .......
OG of TB
A man of few words
Hello. Only thing Id need would be some credits to get my Head Texture. Thanks to Hawkinz, I will only need 8k. Because our loved admin sent me 12 000 tc's donation. ^_^