Original Post
Typo, Grammar hunt. 10k TC / finding (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish)

I think I found most of the typos and grammatical errors in TB Wii.

10k for each translation you find with a typo or error in it.

1. Do not use a translating machine (google translate, babbelfish)
2. Native speakers only
3. 10k will be awarded for a full fix of a translated sentence/word with a typo
4. If a translation contains multiple errors only 10k will be awarded
5. Be meticulous
6. Be accurate
7. I will update the main post with findings so you don't report them twice

Here are the files in two different formats: - Open Office - Microsoft Office

Report errors like this:
Language: UK-English
current translation: Customization
problem: misspelling
correct translation: Customisation

Grammar nazis are more than welcome to join.

Good luck!

TC sent to
- Moggomatix
- Aikanaro
- Sipher
- gerFight
- Waschbaer
- caelguinn
- carl
- kryo
- blam
- Giantz
- ofUnknown
- toril
- slash13
- fyerrblad
- vins84
- alan
- jacob
- dave
- deady
Last edited by hampa; Mar 4, 2010 at 11:03 AM.
Originally Posted by Kryo View Post
Uh no. Has and have, one is for plural another is not. There for have fits better than has in the sentence.
customizations has
customizations have
The second is grammatically correct.

The example you have provided did not respond correctly to the actual sentence. We are dealing with data (both singular and plural), in this case, specifically the save data, thus I'm pretty sure it's singular instead of plural.
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
New errors !

* Keyword: STATEKEY13
Current translation: En attente de l'adversaire
Problem: Wrong translation if you mean waiting for an oppent when there is noone is the server, good one if it's when you end your turn and that you are waiting for your oppent, because " l' " means you know who it is.
Correct translation: En attente d'un adversaire.

* Keyword: NOINFO
Current translation: Pas d'information
Problem: Grammar
Correct translation: Pas d'informations

* Keyword: DOWNLOAD
Current translation: Téléchargez
Problem: Does not match with english "Re-Download)
Correct translation: Re-télécharger

* Keyword: DQRING
Current translation: DQ
Problem: DQ means.... DQ
Correct translation: Anneau de disqualification

* Keyword: Download
Current translation: Téléchargez
Problem: Does not match with english "Re-Download)
Correct translation: Re-télécharger

* Keyword: MENUTXT21
Current translation: Jouez avec les amis
Problem: Bad french
Correct translation: Jouez avec des amis

Current translation: disqualifié!
Problem: It's disqualifiée for a girl (you might want to ignore this one)
Correct translation: Disqualifié(e) !

Current translation: nouvelle rediffusion
Problem: Means "new replay"
Correct translation: Rediffusion arrivante

* Keyword: ON
Current translation: oui
Problem: Correct (if in options) but unaccurate
Correct translation: Activé

* Keyword: OFF
Current translation: non
Problem: May be correct if it's in the options, but "oui" means "yes".
Correct translation: Désactivé

* Keyword: STATEKEY7
Current translation: attente... \\\\asauvegarder
Problem: Bad french
Correct translation: En attente... \\\\asauvegarder

* Keyword: STATEKEY10
Current translation: attente… \\\\asauvegarder \\\\pvitesse
Problem: Bad french
Correct translation: En attente… \\\\asauvegarder \\\\pvitesse (égalité)

* Keyword: NEAR
Current translation: proximité
Problem: Better one
Correct translation: Près

Current translation: Cette liste de classement est vide
Problem: Bad French
Correct translation: Ce classement est vide.

* Keyword: MENUTXT12
Current translation: frames du match
Problem: "Frames" does not exist in French.
Correct translation : Images par match

* Keyword: MENUTXT13
Current translation: frames par tour
Problem: "Frames" does not exist in French
Correct translation: Images par tour.

* Keyword: MENUTXT65
Current translation: Minuteur
Problem: Grammar
Correct translation: Minuteurs

* Keyword: MENUTXT27
Current translation: veuillez entrer un friend code
Problem: Partialy translated
Correct translation: Veuillez entrer un code d'ami (égalité)

* Keyword: NECK
Current translation: coup
Problem: "coup" mean "hit"
Correct translation: Cou

* Keyword: SCRIPT_MSG0
Current translation: poussez levier de contrôle le haut ou vers le bas pendant que vous tenez
Problem: Grammar
Correct translation: Poussez le levier de contrôle vers le haut ou vers le bas pendant que vous maintenez

* Keyword: TUT_INTRO4
Current translation: dans toribash, vous faîtes tous les mouvements!
Problem: I've got better, not necessary
Correct translation: dans toribash, vous vos propres mouvements !

* Keyword: TUT_JOINT_SEL3
Current translation: Allons-y
Problem: Bad translation
Correct translation: Faisons un petit tour d'horizon.

* Keyword: TUT_JOINT_SEL7
Current translation: Astuce: pivotez les membres opposés afin de générer plus de puissance.
Problem: Better one (not necessary)
Correct translation: Astuce : Pivotez les membres opposés afin d'avoir plus de force.

* Keyword: TUT_DQ3
Current translation: sortie du ring: des membres qui tombent en dehors du ring causent une disqualification!!!
Problem: Better one (from far)
Correct translation: Sortie du ring : les membres qui touchent le sol hors du ring causent une diqualification !!!

* Keyword: TUT_DQ6
Current translation: Tenir toutes les articulations
Problem: "Tenir" is an infinitive
Correct translation: Tenez toutes les articulations

Current translation: Téléchargez à nouveau les personnalisations?
Problem: Need an infinitive
Correct translation: Télécharger à nouveau les personnalisations ?

I corrected all the mistakes and improved the whole thing as much as I could, exept for spacing and uppercase errors.
EDIT : Oops.
Last edited by vins84; Jan 23, 2010 at 10:28 PM.
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |
Keyword: RVLEC_MESSAGE_0008
Language Usa-English
problem: grammar
Wrong Translation: This save data cannot be used because customizations used by the save data has been deleted. To use the save data, redownload the customizations for which the license has been previously purchased.
Right Translation: This save data cannot be used because customizations used by the save data have been deleted. To use the save data, redownload the customizations for which the license has been previously purchased.

Okay to explain to the unknown, In the wrong translation above, This save data cannot be used because customizations used by the save data has been deleted, at first the subject is save data which is singular, but later in the sentence after the conjunction because, the subject changes to customizations which is now plural. This is why my translation is correct.
This save data cannot be used because customizations used by the save data have been deleted
Language: US-French
Current translation: ami Wii
Problem: "ami" is friend
Correct translation: code Wii

Keyword: ROTATER
Language: US-French
Current translation: rotation droite
Problem: "à" missing
Correct translation: rotation à droite

Keyword: ROTATEL
Language: US-French
Current translation: rotation gauche
Problem: "à" missing
Correct translation: rotation à gauche

Keyword: BELT_BLUE
Language: US-French
Current translation: ceinture bleue
Problem: bleu(e)
Correct translation: ceinture bleu

Language: US-French
Current translation: ceinture noire
Problem: noir(e)
Correct translation: ceinture noir

Keyword: REPLAYR0
Language: US-French
Current translation: Plus de place pour les rediffusions
Problem: It's a negative sentence not affirmative.
Correct translation: Rien de place pour les rediffusions

Keyword: MENUTXT21
Language: US-French
Current translation: jouer avec les ami
Problem: Plural.
Correct translation: jouer avec les amis
Originally Posted by TBashed View Post

Keyword: BELT_BLUE
Language: US-French
Current translation: ceinture bleue
Problem: bleu(e)
Correct translation: ceinture bleu

Language: US-French
Current translation: ceinture noire
Problem: noir(e)
Correct translation: ceinture noir

Keyword: REPLAYR0
Language: US-French
Current translation: Plus de place pour les rediffusions
Problem: It's a negative sentence not affirmative.
Correct translation: Rien de place pour les rediffusions

All these translation are corrects (I mean, originals one)
"ceinture" is feminine, so "noire" and "bleue" get an "e" at then end.

"Rien de place" means absolutely nothing. (I guess he isn't French)
Plus de place is right.

PS : I'm French
PPS : I'm going to edit my 2nd post now.
Last edited by vins84; Jan 22, 2010 at 09:35 PM.
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |
Originally Posted by vins84 View Post
All these translation are corrects (I mean, originals one)
"ceinture" is feminine, so "noire" and "bleue" get an "e" at then end.

"Rien de place" means absolutely nothing. (I guess he isn't French)
Plus de place is right.

PS : I'm French
PPS : I'm going to edit my 2nd post now.

So I got a new one:

Language: US-French
Current translation: ceinture marron
Problem: marron(ne)
Correct translation: ceinture marronne


Btw, I'm portuguese
Keyword: INIT
language: EU-Spanish
Current translation: "inicializando"
Problem: the word is understandable, but that word isnt used often.
Correct translation: Iniciando

Keyword: WAITING...
language: EU-Spanish
Current translation: "espera..."
Problem: conjugation (gerund) ("ing" in english is = to "ando/endo" in spanish)
Correct translation: esperando...

Keyword: ABOUT
language: EU-Spanish
Current translation: "sobre"
Problem: is undertsndable, but it has a better translation.
Correct translation: acerca de

Keyword: ABS
language: EU-Spanish
Current translation: "abs"
Problem: is understandable, but there is a translation if it is needed.
Correct translation: Abdominales

Keyword: GOOD
language: EU-Spanish
Current translation: "buena"
Problem: i found this word in the chat section, if u mean good game, the tranlsation is worng (buen juego = good game).
Correct translation: buen

Keyword: YOU
language: EU-Spanish
Current translation: "usted"
Problem: "usted" is a word to formal for this game.
Correct translation: tu

Keyword: ¡Buen Trabajo! Hint: el salto ayuda a ejecutar impresionantes patadas
language: EU-Spanish
Current translation: "Hint"
Problem: it isnt translated.
Correct translation: Consejo

Keyword: SCRIPT_MSG6 (push)
language: EU-Spanish
Current translation: "emuje"
Problem: bad conjugation.
Correct translation: empujar

well, these are all the ones I found, maybe i found more later >.>
Last edited by Jakob; Jan 22, 2010 at 10:22 PM.
█ ☠ █
Originally Posted by TBashed View Post
So I got a new one:

Language: US-French
Current translation: ceinture marron
Problem: marron(ne)
Correct translation: ceinture marronne


Btw, I'm portuguese

Nah, not all colors are according (this verb exist in english?) to the nouns.

If you want the list :
Every colors you see takes an "e", the others doesn't change.

It's complicated, let the native talkers do the work
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |
Keyword: CHAT2
Language: US-French
Current translation: moi
Problem: "me" isn't a pronoun so "moi" cant be the translation.
Correct translation: je

Keyword: CHAT3
Language: US-French
Current translation: toi
Problem: "you" isn't a pronoun so "toi" cant be the translation.
Correct translation: tu

Keyword: CHAT21
Language: US/EU-Spanish
Current translation: haha
Problem: They say "jaja".
Correct translation: jaja